The Leading Impact Program

Empower your subordinate managers to be self-driven and make confident decisions in order to free up your time for high-level engagements.



With this one-on-one leadership program for the new- or middle managers in your organisation.

As a leader for leaders...

Do you recognize this within your organisation...

  • Your subordinate leader is taking up your time asking questions.

  • Your subordinate leader involves you in lower level issues than your position holds.

  • Your subordinate leader is talented in their field but tend to focused on their own details instead of seeing the bigger perspective.

  • You need to following up on your subordinate leaders to make sure things get done.

  • You don't have as much time as you would like to spend on running the business through strategy, development, customer dialogues etc.

Imagine that you...

  • Free up your time by having self-driven leaders who solve daily challenges autonomously.

  • Don't have to follow up because your subordinate leaders take full responsibility for their area.

  • Have subordinate leaders that are confident in themselves to make their own decisions and set a direction.

  • Have subordinate leaders who see the bigger perspective.

  • Have leaders that are reflective and conscious about themselves and use this insight to lead their employee.

  • Have motivated and engaged leaders and employees.

  • Increase productivity caused by motivated leaders and employees.

  • Earned a Return on investment (ROI) > 15% equaling a cost savings of >600.000 DKK in prevented resignation cost.

  • Reduce attrition amongst employees caused by a management/employee mismatch.

  • Reduce stress and burnout cost.

The Pyramid of focus

When developing leaders

The Traditional way of thinking

When developing or promoting leaders, the primary focus is traditionally on qualifications and competencies, while the personal foundation is often neglected.

The problem with this is that new leaders fail to understand what is driving them (motivation), what they strive for (mission), why they do what they do (purpose), and what values they stand for.

This means they don't know how to motivate themselves—or others. They struggle in setting their own direction, they don't know what they want, they have difficulty making decisions on their own, and they are not confident in their choices.

They have no foundation for leading themselves. So how can they be expected to lead others or be self-driven?

Expert model trekant(3)

Camillas approach

I empower leaders to comprehend their foundation: their drive, motivation, goals, mission, purpose, values, and direction.

This cultivates confidence in them, making them self-driven, confident in making decisions, able to set a direction, and are naturally confident in leading others.

It also saves senior executives time by reducing the need for asking questions.

The reason the personal foundation is often overlooked is that uncovering it can be challenging. Therefore, I have developed a method to address this, which is included in the Leading Impact Program for leaders.

Expert model trekant(4)


What is the Leading Impact Program:

  • 6 months of result oriented leadership coaching.
  • 8 x personal one-on-one coaching sessions.
  • Leadership tools.
  • Videos and materials.
  • Customized approach and assignments.
  • Support and sparring.
  • Online platform with all the tools.
  • Unlimited access to Camilla.
  • Camilla Wett Coaching

    “The program has given me the courage and confidence to make good career decisions. It has been a surprisingly challenging journey to settle on a few core values. The guidance that Camilla offered was essential in getting there. The great thing is: once you have settled on your core values, you have an accessible and universal tool for decision making - both at work and in private life.”

  • Camilla Wett Coaching

    “This program has made it clear to me how I add the most value and it made me capable of taking action on those things. I really needed help to find answers to what I should prioritize and how I should navigate my working life in order to be happy. I have gained a completely different understanding of what really matters to me.”

  • Camilla Wett Coaching

    “This program has given me a huge push in the right direction. It has become clear to me what I need to do in my job situation. It's so liberating. The best thing has been that I really feel that I have grown - also mentally. I have been given many tools to manage my situation.”

  • Camilla Wett Coaching

    “I have been challenged but also supported in finding my core. The best thing I got out of my program is an understanding of the values that ​​are most important to me. Having Camilla to challenge, but also cheer for one, provides clarification about things I didn't know were hidden. I have become stronger in keeping focus on what motivates me - and use it as a guide when I make decitions.”

  • Camilla Wett Coaching

    “I am surprised at how much you can create your own results. I have gained more peace of mind, and have gained a lot of tools that I can pull out if necessary in relation to decision-making, doubts and uncertainty at work. I see it as necessary to invest in one's mental health in order to thrive with oneself and others. If you are in doubt as to whether a program works, I can say that I think it is an investment for life.”

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